Bio X Cell(BXC)社は、in-vivo/in-vitro実験用抗体の信頼できるサプライヤーです。アメリカのボストン近郊、ニューハンプシャー州レバノンにあり、1997年から生物医学研究用のモノクローナル抗体を生産しています。BXC社の目的は、高品質の抗体を優れた価格で提供し、優れた顧客サービスでバックアップすることで、科学的発見とイノベーションの推進を促進することです。そのため、in vivo の前臨床研究に必要な大量の、十分に特徴付けられた抗原と新規抗原の両方を標的とする、防腐剤や安定剤を含まない超高純度の低エンドトキシン抗体の製造に取り組んでいます。25年の経験に裏打ちされた、in vivo用モノクローナル抗体の多種のカタログ製品を高品質、低価格で提供します。
お見積りは、Bio X Cell社の正規日本代理店の当社へご依頼ください。
価格表(通常・アカデミック): 2025年3月(PDFファイル)
アカデミックプライス適用申込書フォーム: 大学等、非営利組織に所属のユーザーはアカデミックプライスが適用されますので、注文時にこちらの申込書をご提出ください。(Wordファイル)
抗 Ly6G 抗体を用いたマウス好中球の in vivo 除去の研究について
好中球は循環血中に存在する白血球の中で最も多く、成人の末梢白血球の約 60~70%、マウスでは 10~25% を占めています。好中球は高度の異質性と可塑性を示し、防御と病原性という一見矛盾するさまざまな役割を果たしています。
好中球は抗菌防御の重要なエフェクター細胞であり、貪食、脱顆粒、好中球細胞外トラップ (NET) の形成を通じて病原体を破壊する一方で、組織の修復や線維化に関連する重要な機能も持っています。
続きはこちら |
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注目の免疫療法ターゲット: OX40
OX40 は、感染症、がん、自己免疫のさまざまな動物モデルで CD4+ および CD8+ T 細胞の生存と増殖を媒介する重要な T 細胞共刺激分子です。OX40 は記憶 T 細胞応答を制御し、革新的な医薬品の分野で人気のターゲットです。OX40 アゴニストはかつて抗腫瘍分野で高く評価され、製薬会社から大きな関心を集めていました。しかし、有効性と副作用に関する問題が進歩を妨げ、アゴニストはフェーズ 2 臨床試験を突破していません。最近、OX40 阻害剤が自己免疫分野の臨床研究で有望な結果を示しています。 2023年6月27日、サノフィは、アムリテリマブが中等度から重度のアトピー性皮膚炎の治療を目的とした第2b相臨床試験を無事完了し、ロカチンリマブに続いて第2相試験を通過した2番目のOX40阻害剤となったと発表しました。したがって、OX40は依然として、さらなる研究が必要な、非常に翻訳可能で有望な薬物ターゲットです。
続きはこちら |
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品番 | 品名 | クローン | Isotype |
FM0001-1-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CD3ε | 145-2C11 | IgG1 |
FM0001-1-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CD3ε | 145-2C11 | IgG1 |
FM0001-1-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CD3ε | 145-2C11 | IgG1 |
FM0001-2-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-human CD3 | OKT-3 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0001-2-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-human CD3 | OKT-3 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0001-2-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-human CD3 | OKT-3 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0003-1-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CD4 | GK1.5 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0003-1-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CD4 | GK1.5 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0003-1-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CD4 | GK1.5 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0004-1-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CD8α | 53-6.7 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0004-1-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CD8α | 53-6.7 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0004-1-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CD8α | 53-6.7 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0007-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse/human CD11b | M1/70 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0007-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse/human CD11b | M1/70 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0007-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse/human CD11b | M1/70 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0021-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse L-Selectin (CD62L) | Mel-14 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0021-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse L-Selectin (CD62L) | Mel-14 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0021-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse L-Selectin (CD62L) | Mel-14 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0024-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CD80 (B7-1) | 16-10A1 | IgG2 |
FM0024-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CD80 (B7-1) | 16-10A1 | IgG2 |
FM0024-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CD80 (B7-1) | 16-10A1 | IgG2 |
FM0025-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CD86 (B7-2) | GL-1 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0025-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CD86 (B7-2) | GL-1 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0025-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CD86 (B7-2) | GL-1 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0036-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse NK1.1 | PK136 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0036-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse NK1.1 | PK136 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0036-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse NK1.1 | PK136 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0038-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CD11c | N418 | IgG2 |
FM0038-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CD11c | N418 | IgG2 |
FM0038-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CD11c | N418 | IgG2 |
FM0039-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse/human CD44 | IM7 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0039-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse/human CD44 | IM7 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0039-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse/human CD44 | IM7 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0075-1-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse Ly6G | 1A8 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0075-1-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse Ly6G | 1A8 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0075-1-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse Ly6G | 1A8 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0075-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse Ly6G/Ly6C (Gr-1) | RB6-8C5 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0075-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse Ly6G/Ly6C (Gr-1) | RB6-8C5 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0075-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse Ly6G/Ly6C (Gr-1) | RB6-8C5 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0083-APC | FlowMAb APC mouse IgG1 isotype control, unknown specificity | MOPC-21 | IgG1, κ |
FM0083-FITC | FlowMAb FITC mouse IgG1 isotype control, unknown specificity | MOPC-21 | IgG1, κ |
FM0083-PE | FlowMAb PE mouse IgG1 isotype control, unknown specificity | MOPC-21 | IgG1, κ |
FM0085-APC | FlowMAb APC mouse IgG2a isotype control, unknown specificity | C1.18.4 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0085-FITC | FlowMAb FITC mouse IgG2a isotype control, unknown specificity | C1.18.4 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0085-PE | FlowMAb PE mouse IgG2a isotype control, unknown specificity | C1.18.4 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0089-APC | FlowMAb APC rat IgG2a isotype control, anti-trinitrophenol | 2A3 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0089-FITC | FlowMAb FITC rat IgG2a isotype control, anti-trinitrophenol | 2A3 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0089-PE | FlowMAb PE rat IgG2a isotype control, anti-trinitrophenol | 2A3 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0101-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse PD-L1 (B7-H1) | 10F.9G2™ | IgG2b, κ |
FM0101-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse PD-L1 (B7-H1) | 10F.9G2™ | IgG2b, κ |
FM0101-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse PD-L1 (B7-H1) | 10F.9G2™ | IgG2b, κ |
FM0150-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CD19 | 1D3 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0150-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CD19 | 1D3 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0150-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CD19 | 1D3 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0203-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse Ly6C | Monts 1 | IgG2a |
FM0203-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse Ly6C | Monts 1 | IgG2a |
FM0203-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse Ly6C | Monts 1 | IgG2a |
FM0206-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse F4/80 | CI:A3-1 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0206-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse F4/80 | CI:A3-1 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0206-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse F4/80 | CI:A3-1 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0249-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CXCR3 (CD183) | CXCR3-173 | IgG |
FM0249-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CXCR3 (CD183) | CXCR3-173 | IgG |
FM0249-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CXCR3 (CD183) | CXCR3-173 | IgG |
FM0260-APC | FlowMAb APC Armenian hamster IgG isotype control, anti-glutathione S-transferase | PIP | IgG |
FM0260-FITC | FlowMAb FITC Armenian hamster IgG isotype control, anti-glutathione S-transferase | PIP | IgG |
FM0260-PE | FlowMAb PE Armenian hamster IgG isotype control, anti-glutathione S-transferase | PIP | IgG |
FM0280-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse c-Kit (CD117) | 2B8 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0280-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse c-Kit (CD117) | 2B8 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0280-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse c-Kit (CD117) | 2B8 | IgG2b, κ |
FM0281-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-human CD19 | 4G7 | IgG1 |
FM0281-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-human CD19 | 4G7 | IgG1 |
FM0281-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-human CD19 | 4G7 | IgG1 |
FM0288-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-human CD4 | RPA-T4 | IgG1, κ |
FM0288-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-human CD4 | RPA-T4 | IgG1, κ |
FM0288-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-human CD4 | RPA-T4 | IgG1, κ |
FM0291-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-human/monkey CD28 | CD28.2 | IgG1, κ |
FM0291-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-human/monkey CD28 | CD28.2 | IgG1, κ |
FM0291-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-human/monkey CD28 | CD28.2 | IgG1, κ |
FM0306-APC | FlowMAb APC anti-human/monkey MHC class II (HLA-DR) | L243 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0306-FITC | FlowMAb FITC anti-human/monkey MHC class II (HLA-DR) | L243 | IgG2a, κ |
FM0306-PE | FlowMAb PE anti-human/monkey MHC class II (HLA-DR) | L243 | IgG2a, κ |
FMC0090-APC | FlowMAb APC rat IgG2b isotype control, anti-keyhole limpet hemocyanin | LTF-2-CP166 | IgG2b, κ |
FMC0090-FITC | FlowMAb FITC rat IgG2b isotype control, anti-keyhole limpet hemocyanin | LTF-2-CP166 | IgG2b, κ |
FMC0090-PE | FlowMAb PE rat IgG2b isotype control, anti-keyhole limpet hemocyanin | LTF-2-CP166 | IgG2b, κ |
FMC174-APC | FlowMAb APC human IgG1 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP174 | IgG1, κ |
FMC174-FITC | FlowMAb FITC human IgG1 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP174 | IgG1, κ |
FMC174-PE | FlowMAb PE human IgG1 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP174 | IgG1, κ |
FMC180-APC | FlowMAb APC human IgG2 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP180 | IgG2, κ |
FMC180-FITC | FlowMAb FITC human IgG2 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP180 | IgG2, κ |
FMC180-PE | FlowMAb PE human IgG2 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP180 | IgG2, κ |
*FlowMAbシリーズは、サイズが「25 µg、100 µg」と他の製品と大きく異なりますのでご注意ください。 |
*Bio X Cell社サイトへリンクします
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In Vivo Antibodies | 保存剤も、安定剤、キャリアタンパク質も無添加の、in vivo 研究用に特別に調整された抗体です。 |
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Isotype Controls | 抗体特異的シグナルを明確に識別するin vivo投与用のアイソタイプ コントロールです。 |
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InVivoSIMTM Antibodies | 薬物の生物学的影響を研究できる手頃な価格の研究グレードのバイオシミラー モノクローナル抗体です。 |
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RecombiMAbTM Antibodies | 当社の組換えモノクローナル抗体を使用して、マウスモデルまたはヒト化マウスモデルの免疫原性を低減します。 |
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InVivoMAbTM Antibodies | 高品質で高純度の抗体を使用して、in vivo および in vitro アプリケーションの成功を推進します。 |
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InVivoPlusTM Antibodies | あらゆる研究機関の生体内研究に必要な厳しい要求と厳格な基準を満たします。 |
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InVivoPureTM Dilution Buffers | in vivo 用途向けに特別に配合およびテストされたバッファーにより抗体の安定性を維持します。 |
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Fusion Proteins | 超低エンドトキシンレベルの融合タンパク質を使用して、受容体とリガンドの相互作用を調査します。 |
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ReadyTagTM Antibodies | ダウンストリームウェスタンブロットやELISAなどのために、in vivoで組換えタンパク質タグに確実に結合します。 |
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Conjugated Antibodies NEW! FlowMAb™ Antibodies FlowMAb™ Isotype Controls |
マルチカラーフローサイトメトリー、蛍光活性化細胞選別 (FACS)、免疫蛍光 (IF)、免疫組織化学 (IHC)、免疫細胞化学 (ICC) など、さまざまなアプリケーションで優れた信頼性を提供する高性能結合抗体です。 |
Quality Control | 各製品シリーズにおける品質管理分析について |
InVivoMAb™ vs. InVivoPlus™ | InVivoMAb™とInVivoPlus™ の違い |
Biosimilar Antibodies | 研究グレードのバイオシミラー モノクローナル抗体のInVivoSIM™について |
Recombinant Antibodies | 組換え抗体 RecombiMAb™ モノクローナル抗体について |
Cell Depletion Antibodies | in vivo用のマウス細胞特異的細胞除去抗体について |
Immune Checkpoint Antibodies | 免疫チェックポイント経路を標的とする様々な抗体について |
Choosing Anti-CTLA-4 Antibodies | 研究に適した抗CTLA-4抗体の選び方 |
Choosing Anti-PD-1 Antibodies | 研究に適切な抗 PD-1 抗体を選択する方法 |
Isotype Control Importance | in vivo 実験に適切なアイソタイプ コントロールを選択して使用する方法 |
Antibody Structure | 抗体の構造と分類について |
Q1. in-vivoの研究に使えますか? A1. お使いになれます! |
Q2. 保存料は入ってますか? A2. 保存料は入っておりません。 |
Q3. 在庫はありますか?納期はどれぐらいですか? A3. 基本的にメーカー在庫はありますが、国内在庫は置いておりません。納期は、ご注文から2~3週間程度頂いてます。早ければ、1週間程度でお納めすることもございます。 |
Q4. InVivoMabとInVivoPlusの違いは? A4. InVivoPlusはより厳しい品質を求められる研究に適しています。エンドトキシンの濃度は、InVivoMabが<2EU/mg、InVivoPlusが<1EU/mg です。詳細は下記の比較表をご覧ください。 |
Q5. 参考文献はありますか? A5. メーカーの製品概要ページよりご参照ください。”References”の文字をクリックすると一覧が表示されます。 |
Q6. 1mlサイズの物が欲しいのですが? A6. BXC社製品は、mg単位での容量となっております(ロットによってタンパク濃度が異なるため)。お手元の製品と同じサイズの物がご入用の場合は、ラベルまたはデータシートの”Total protein”の値をご確認ください。(各製品の容量は価格表をご参照ください。) |
Q7. 国立の研究所ですが、大学向け価格で買えますか? A7. 価格表には便宜上、「大学向け」と記していますが、大学及び非営利組織向けの価格となりますので、国公立の研究所・病院などは大学向け価格で販売しております。ご注文の際には、アカデミックプライス適用申込書を都度ご提出ください。なお、代理店経由での販売も致しております。 |
Q8. 数種類、または複数本買う場合、手数料はどうなりますか? A8. 一まとめのご注文ごとに1回分のお手数料をご請求いたします。1度のご注文が1本でも、10本でも同じお手数料になりますので、まとめてのご注文をお勧めいたします。 |
Q9. 抗体の推奨コントロールはどれになりますか? A9. メーカーの製品概要ページに掲載がございます。「Recomended Isotype Control(s)」をご覧ください。 |
Q10. 抗体の保存期間はどのくらいですか? A10. 製品データシートに記載されている条件で抗体を保管した場合、受領日から1年間安定しています。 |
Q11. BXC社の製品はカルタヘナ法に該当しますか? A11. BXC社のすべての製品はカルタヘナ法に該当しません。 |
Q12. 抗体 100mgを1本注文したところ、50mgのバイアルが2本届きました。間違えていませんか? A12. メーカーの在庫状況により包装形態がご注文と異なる場合がございます。包装サイズのご指定はお受け致しかねますので、予めご了承のほどお願い申し上げます。 例: 100mg x 1本の注文 → 50mg x 1本と25mg x 2本での納品など |
Q13. 無償サンプルはありますか? A13. あいにく無償サンプルの提供はございません。 |
InVivoMAb™ vs. InVivoPlus™
Bio X Cell社は、最も人気のある InVivoMAb™ 製品の InVivoPlus™ バージョンを提供しています。 BXC社製品の InVivoPlus™ バージョンは、InVivoMAb™ バージョンと構造的および機能的に同一です。 違いは、あらゆる研究機関の生体内研究に必要な厳しい要求と厳格な基準を満たす、またはそれを超える優れたレベルの品質にあります。
InVivoMAb™ | InVivoPlus™ | |
バインディングの検証* Determined by immunoblot, flow cytometry, or ELISA |
未確認 | 確認済 |
マウス病原体スクリーニング† Determined by ultrasensitive real-time PCR |
未確認 | 確認済 |
抗体凝集スクリーニング Determined by Size Exclusion Chromatography |
未確認 | 確認済 |
エンドトキシン Determined by LAL gel clotting assay |
<2EU/mg | <1EU/mg |
純度 Determined by SDS-PAGE |
>95% | >95% |
防腐剤、安定剤、キャリアタンパク質不使用 | 不使用 | 不使用 |
in-vivo 研究の適性 | 適する | 適する |
品番 | BEから始まる | BPから始まる |
*バインディングの検証は、該当するすべての InVivoPlus™ 製品のロットごとに実行されます。 適用されない InVivoPlus™ 製品には、抗原が市販されていない抗体や非反応性アイソタイプ コントロール抗体が含まれます。
Mycoplasma including M. pulmonis, M. arginini, M. fermentans, M. hominis, M. hyorhinis, M. orale, M. pirum, M. salivarium, M. agassizii, M. cynos and others.
Murine norovirus (MNV), murine parvovirus (MPV) 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, murine minute virus (MMV/MVM), murine hepatitis virus (MHV), murine reovirus (REO) type 1, 2, and 3, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV), lactate dehydrogenase elevating virus (LDV), murine rotavirus MRV/EDIM), Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV), ectromelia virus (ECTRO), hantavirus (HANTA), polyoma virus (POLY), murine adenovirus (detects and differentiates MAD1 and MAD2), sendai virus (SEND), pneumonia virus of mice (PVM), murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) 1 and 2 (MCMV), and K virus.
◎製品検索は表の上の検索ボックスをご利用ください。品番のリンクから製品詳細(Bio X Cell社サイト)をご覧いただけます。
新製品 | 品番-最小容量 | 品名 | クローン | イソタイプ | 推奨コントロール品番 | 推奨バッファー品番 |
BE0000-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD1d (CD1.1) | 19G11 | IgG1 | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0001-1-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD3ε | 145-2C11 | IgG1 | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0001-1FAB-R010mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD3ε F(ab')2 fragment | 145-2C11 f(ab')2 Fragments | IgG1 | BE0091-FAB | IP0070 | |
BE0001-2-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD3 | OKT-3 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0002-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD3 | 17A2 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0003-1-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD4 | GK1.5 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0065 | |
BE0003-2-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD4 | OKT-4 | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0003-3-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD4 | YTS 177 | IgG2a | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0004-1-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD8α | 53-6.7 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0065 | |
BE0004-2-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD8α | OKT-8 | IgG2a | BE0085 | IPT060 | |
BE0005-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human LFA-1α (CD11a) | TS-1/ | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0005-1-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse LFA-1α (CD11a) | FD441.8 | IgG2b | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0006-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse LFA-1α (CD11a) | M17/4 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0007-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human CD11b | M1/70 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0009-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD18 | M18/2 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0011-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD22 | Cy34.1 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0012-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD25 (IL-2Rα) | PC-61.5.3 | IgG1, λ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0014-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD25 (IL-2Rα) | 7G7B6 | IgG2a | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0015-1-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD28 | 37.51 | IgG2 | BE0087 | IPT060 | |
BE0015-5-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD28 | PV-1 | IgG, κ | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0016-2-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD40 | FGK4.5/FGK45 | IgG2a | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0017-1-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD40L (CD154) | MR-1 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0019-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD45RB | MB23G2 (HB220) | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0019-1-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD47 | B6.H12 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0020-1-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD54 (ICAM-1) | YN1/1.7.4 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0020-2-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD54 (ICAM-1) | R6-5-D6 | IgG2a | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0021-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse L-Selectin (CD62L) | Mel-14 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0022-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD70 | FR70 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0023-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD71 | OKT-9 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0024-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD80 (B7-1) | 16-10A1 | IgG2 | BE0091 | IP0080 | |
BE0025-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD86 (B7-2) | GL-1 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0026-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD103 | M290 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0027-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD106 (VCAM-1) | M/K-2.7 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0028-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse ICOSL (CD275) | HK5.3 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0029-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IFNγR (CD119) | GR-20 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0031-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse OX40 (CD134) | OX-86 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0032-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152) | UC10-4F10-11 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0065 | |
BE0033-1-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse OX40L (CD134L) | RM134L | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0033-2-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) | J43 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0065 | |
BE0034-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse LPAM-1 (Integrin α4β7) | DATK32 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0035-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse MAdCAM-1 | MECA-367 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0036-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse NK1.1 | PK136 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0038-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD11c | N418 | IgG2 | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0039-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human CD44 | IM7 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0040-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat CD28 | JJ319 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0042-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-2 | JES6-5H4 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0043-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-2 | JES6-1A12 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0043-1-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-2 | S4B6-1 | IgG2a | BE0089 | IP0080 | |
BE0045-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-4 | 11B11 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0046-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-6 | MP5-20F3 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0047-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-6R | 15A7 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0048-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human IL-7 | M25 | IgG2b | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0049-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-10 | JES5-2A5 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0050-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-10R (CD210) | 1B1.3A | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IPT065 | |
BE0051-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-12 p40 | C17.8 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0052-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-12 | R1-5D9 | IgG2a | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0054-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IFNγ | R4-6A2 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0080 | |
BE0055-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IFNγ | XMG1.2 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IPT080 | |
BE0057-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human/rat/monkey/hamster/canine/bovine TGF-β | 1D11.16.8 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0058-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TNFα | XT3.11 | IgG1 | BE0088 | IP0080 | |
BE0059-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse ICOS | 7E.17G9 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0080 | |
BE0060-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse VEGFR-2 | DC101 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0061-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD8α | 2.43 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0062-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human Integrin β7 | FIB504 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0063-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse GITR | DTA-1 | IgG2b, λ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0065-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-7Rα (CD127) | A7R34 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0066-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Thy1.2 (CD90.2) | 30H12 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0067-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse B220 | RA3.3A1/6.1 (TIB-146) | Rat IgM | BE0094 | IP0070 | |
BE0068-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse MHC Class II (I-Ak, I-Ar, I-Af, I-As,I-Ag7) | 10-3.6.2 | IgG2c, κ | BE0366 | IP0070 | |
BE0069-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse 2C TCR | 1B2 | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0070-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TCR γ/δ | UC7-13D5 | IgG, κ | BE0091 | IPT060 | |
BE0071-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human VLA-4 (CD49d) | PS/2 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0065 | |
BE0072-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse T15 VH and T15 VL regions of IgM | AB1-2 (HB33) | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0075-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Ly6G/Ly6C (Gr-1) | RB6-8C5 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0075-1-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Ly6G | 1A8 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0076-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Thy1 (CD90) | M5/49.4.1 | IgG2a | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0077-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse MHC Class I (H-2) | M1/ | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0079-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human MHC Class I (HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C) | W6/32 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0065 | |
BE0083-R001mg | InVivoMAb mouse IgG1 isotype control, unknown specificity | MOPC-21 | IgG1, κ | IP0065 | ||
BE0085-R001mg | InVivoMAb mouse IgG2a isotype control, unknown specificity | C1.18.4 | IgG2a, κ | IP0070 | ||
BE0086-R001mg | InVivoMAb mouse IgG2b isotype control, unknown specificity | MPC-11 | IgG2b, κ | IP0070 | ||
BE0087-R001mg | InVivoMAb polyclonal Syrian hamster IgG | polyclonal Syrian hamster IgG | IgG | IP0070 | ||
BE0088-R001mg | InVivoMAb rat IgG1 isotype control, anti-horseradish peroxidase | HRPN-CP167 | IgG1, κ | IP0070 | ||
BE0089-R001mg | InVivoMAb rat IgG2a isotype control, anti-trinitrophenol | 2A3 | IgG2a, κ | IP0065 | ||
BE0090-R001mg | InVivoMAb rat IgG2b isotype control, anti-keyhole limpet hemocyanin | LTF-2-CP166 | IgG2b, κ | IP0070 | ||
BE0091-R001mg | InVivoMAb polyclonal Armenian hamster IgG | polyclonal Armenian hamster IgG | IgG | IP0070 | ||
BE0091-FAB-R010mg | InVivoMAb hamster IgG f(ab')2 fragments | hamster IgG f(ab')2 Fragments | Polyclonal | IP0070 | ||
BE0092-R001mg | InVivoMAb polyclonal human IgG | polyclonal human IgG | IgG | IP0070 | ||
BE0093-R001mg | InVivoMAb polyclonal mouse IgG | polyclonal mouse IgG | IgG | IP0070 | ||
BE0094-R001mg | InVivoMAb polyclonal rat IgG | polyclonal rat IgG | IgG | IP0070 | ||
BE0095-R001mg | InVivoMAb polyclonal rabbit IgG | polyclonal rabbit IgG | IgG | IP0070 | ||
BE0096-R001mg | InVivoMAb recombinant human IgG1 Fc | human Fc-G1 | IP0070 | |||
BE0097-R001mg | InVivoMAb recombinant mouse IgG2a Fc | Mouse Fc-G2a | IP0070 | |||
BE0098-R001mg | InVivoMAb recombinant Flt-3L-Ig (hum/hum) | Flt-3L-Ig (hum/hum) | BE0096 | IP0070 | ||
BE0099-R001mg | InVivoMAb recombinant CTLA-4-Ig (hum/hum) | CTLA-4-Ig (hum/hum) | BE0096 | IP0070 | ||
BE0101-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse PD-L1 (B7-H1) | 10F.9G2™ | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0065 | |
BE0102-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TCRβ | H57-597 (HB218) | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0104-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kd) | SF1.1.10 (HB-159) | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0106-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-LCMV nucleoprotein | VL-4 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0108-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse MHC Class II (I-A/I-E) | M5/114 | IgG2b | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0110-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse 4-1BBL (CD137L) | TKS-1 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0111-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse NKG2D | HMG2D | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0112-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse PD-L2 (B7-DC) | TY25 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0113-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TIM-1 (CD365) | RMT1-10 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0114-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TIM-2 | RMT2-29 | Rat Ig2a, λ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0115-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TIM-3 (CD366) | RMT3-23 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0117-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD8α | YTS 169.4 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0118-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD8 (Lyt 2.1) | 116-13.1 (HB-129) | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0119-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD4 | YTS 191 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0120-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-swine MHC Class I (SLAd) | 74-11-10 (HB139) | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0121-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kb) | AF6- | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0122-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat Kappa Immunoglobulin Light Chain | MAR 18.5 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0123-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human/rat/fish AChR | Mab35 (TIB-175) | IgG1 | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0124-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD276 (B7-H3) | MJ18 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0125-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Jagged 2 | HMJ2-1 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0127-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Delta-like protein 4 (DLL4) | HMD4-2 | IgG, κ | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0129-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Notch4 | HMN4-14 | IgG, κ | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0130-R001mg | InVivoMAb polyclonal goat IgG | polyclonal goat IgG | IgG | IP0070 | ||
BE0131-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152) | 9H10 | IgG | BE0087 | IP0070 | |
BE0132-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse BTLA (CD272) | 6A6 | IgG, κ | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0134-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD80 (B7-1) | 1G10 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0136-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human E-Selectin | CL2 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0139-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human/rat v-H-Ras | Y13-238 | IgG2a | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0140-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse MHC Class II (βchain) | KL277 | IgG | IP0070 | ||
BE0143-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat β-2-Microglobulin | 4C9 | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0144-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat FcRn heavy chain heterodimers | 2G3 | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0146-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) | RMP1-14 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0147-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD48 | HM48-1 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0150-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD19 | 1D3 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0151-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human TYRP1/TRP1 (gp75) | TA99 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0152-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kk) | AF3-12.1.3 | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0153-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse BTLA (CD272) | PK18.6 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0154-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-HIV gp120 | 55-36 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0155-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Delta-like protein 1 (DLL1) | HMD1-5 | IgG, κ | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0158-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kk, H-2Dk) | 15-3-1S (HB-13) | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0159-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-Influenza A virus NP | H16-L10-4R5 (HB-65) | IgG2a | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0161-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse DR5 (CD262) | MD5-1 | IgG, κ | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0162-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human Glycophorin A (type M) | 6A7M | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0164-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152) | 9D9 | IgG2b | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0165-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Nonclassical MHC Class I molecule Qa-1b | 4C2.4A7.5H11 | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0166-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Vβ4 TCR | KT4 | IgG2b | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0167-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/rat MHC Class II (I-Ek/RT1-D) | 14-4-4S (HB-32) | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0168-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Vγ2 TCR | UC3-10A6 | IgG, κ | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0169-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse 4-1BB (CD137) | LOB12.3 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0080 | |
BE0171-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TIM-4 | RMT4-53 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0172-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kb) | Y-3 | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0173-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/rat IL-17A | 17F3 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0174-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse LAG-3 | C9B7W | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0175-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD71 (TfR1) | R17 217.1.3/TIB-219 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0176-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Kappa Immunoglobulin Light Chain | 187.1 (HB-58) | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0178-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse MHC class II (I-A) | Y-3P | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0179-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD1d (CD1.1) | 20H2 (HB323) | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0180-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kd, H-2Dd) | 34-1-2S | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0181-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-9 | 9C1 | IgG2a | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0182-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Vβ8 TCR | F23.1 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0183-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Ter-119 | TER-119 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0185-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human/rat CCL2 (MCP-1) | 2H5 | IgG, κ | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0186-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse PSGL-1 (CD162) | 4RA10 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0187-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat CD80 (B7-1) | 3H5 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0188-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human PD-1 (CD279) | J116 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0189-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD40 | G28.5 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0190-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CTLA-4 (CD152) | BN13 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0191-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse RANKL (CD254) | IK22/5 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0065 | |
BE0192-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD11a (LFA-1α) | R7-1 | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0193-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human PD-1 (CD279) | J110 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0194-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-Phosphotyrosine | 4G10 | IgG2b | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0196-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse BTLA (CD272) | PJ196 | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0198-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human IL-5 | TRFK5 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0199-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-4 | BVD6-24G2 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0200-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Pan-endothelial Cell Antigen (MECA-32) | MECA-32 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0201-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human KLRG-1 | 2F1 | IgG | BE0087 | IP0070 | |
BE0202-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Siglec-H | 440c | IgG2b | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0203-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Ly6C | Monts 1 | IgG2a | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0204-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CSF1 | 5A1 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0080 | |
BE0206-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse F4/80 | CI:A3-1 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0207-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kb) bound to SIINFEKL peptide (OVA residues 257-264) | 25-D1.16 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0209-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD73 | TY/23 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0210-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse BTLA (CD272) | 8F4 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0211-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD1a | OKT-6 | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0213-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CSF1R (CD115) | AFS98 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0214-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Thy1.1 (CD90.1) | 19E12 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0216-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human YB-1 | 21A3 | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0218-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Galectin-9 | RG9-1 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0220-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD209b (SIGN-R1) | 22D1 | IgG, κ | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0222-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat FcRn heavy chain heterodimers | 1G3 | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0223-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD8β (Lyt 3.2) | 53-5.8 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0224-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD32 (FcγRIIA) | IV.3 | IgG2b | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0225-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TIM-4 | RMT4-54 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0228-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse MHC Class I (H-2Kk, H-2Dk) | 16-1-2N (HB14) | IgG2a | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0231-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD3 | UCHT1 (Leu-4) (T3) | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0232-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD29 | KMI6 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0233-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-12 p75 | R2-9A5 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0080 | |
BE0234-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human IL-12 p70 | 20C2 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0235-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human IFNγ | B133.5 | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0236-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Podoplanin (gp38) | 8.1.1 | IgG | BE0087 | IP0070 | |
BE0237-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-18 | YIGIF74-1G7 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0238-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human c-myc | 9E10 | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0239-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse 4-1BB (CD137) | 3H3 | IgG2a | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0240-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human IL-4 | MP4-25D2 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0241-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IFNAR-1 | MAR1-5A3 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0243-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-1α | ALF-161 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0244-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/rat/rabbit TNFα | TN3-19.12 | IgG, κ | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0245-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human IFNγ | B27 | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0246-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/rat IL-1β | B122 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0247-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TNFR2 (CD120b) | TR75-54.7 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0248-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD28 | 9.3 | IgG2a | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0249-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CXCR3 (CD183) | CXCR3-173 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0250-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat IgG1 | RG11/39.4 | IgG2c, κ | BE0366 | IP0070 | |
BE0251-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat IgG2a | RG7/1.30 | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0252-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat IgG2b | RG7/11.1 | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0256-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-1 R (CD121a) | JAMA-147 | IgG, κ | BE0091 | IPT060 | |
BE0257-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TCR Vγ1.1/Cr4 | 2.11 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0258-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-21R | 4A9 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0259-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse GM-CSF | MP1-22E9 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0260-R001mg | InVivoMAb Armenian hamster IgG isotype control, anti-S. japonicum glutathione S-transferase | PIP | IgG | IP0070 | ||
BE0261-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD3ε | KT3 | IgG2a | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0262-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD44 | Hermes-1 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0270-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD47 (IAP) | MIAP301 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0271-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD132 (common γ chain) | 3E12 | IgG2b | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0272-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD122 (IL-2Rβ) | 5H4 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0273-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) | 29F.1A12™ | IgG2a | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0274-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TIGIT | 1G9 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0275-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TIM-3 (CD366) | B8.2C12 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0276-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human/monkey CD20 | 2H7 | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0277-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human/rat HER2 (neu) | 7.16.4 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0278-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human EGFR | 225 (HB-8508) | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0279-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human EGFR | 528 | IgG2a | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0280-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse c-Kit (CD117) | 2B8 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0281-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD19 | 4G7 | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0282-R001mg | InVivoMab anti-mouse IL-3 | MP2-8F8 | IgG1 | BE0088 | IP0065 | |
BE0283-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human/rat CD47 (IAP) | MIAP410 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0285-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human PD-L1 (B7-H1) | 29E.2A3 | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0287-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IFNγRα (CD119) | 2E2 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0288-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD4 | RPA-T4 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0289-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TIM-1 (CD365) | 3B3 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0290-R001mg | InVivoMAb rat IgG1 Isotype control, anti-trinitrophenol | TNP6A7 | IgG1, λ | IP0070 | ||
BE0291-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human/monkey CD28 | CD28.2 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0292-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human/monkey CD40L (CD154) | 5C8 | IgG2a | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0293-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse c-Kit (CD117) | ACK2 | IgG2b | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0294-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse E-selectin (CD62E) | 9A9 | IgG2b | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0296-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse 4-1BB (CD137) | 17B5 | IgG | BE0087 | IP0070 | |
BE0297-R001mg | InVivoMAb human IgG1 isotype control | human IgG1 | IgG1, κ | IP0070 | ||
BE0298-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD122 (IL-2Rβ) | TM-Beta 1 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0080 | |
BE0299-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD200 (OX2) | OX-90 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0300-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD45.2 | 104.2 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0301-R001mg | InVivoMAb human IgG2 isotype control | human IgG2 | IgG2, λ | IP0070 | ||
BE0302-R025mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD20 | AISB12 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0303-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-17F | MM17F8F5.1A9 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0304-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse BTLA (CD272) | 6F7 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0305-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CLEC9A (CD370) | 7H11 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0306-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human/monkey MHC class II (HLA-DR) | L243 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0307-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD16/CD32 | 2.4G2 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0080 | |
BE0308-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat CD4 | OX-38 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0309-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CXCL9 (MIG) | MIG-2F5.5 | IgG, κ | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0310-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse VISTA | 13F3 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0311-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD317 (BST2, PDCA-1) | 927 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0312-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IFNγ | H22 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0313-R010mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-23 (p19) | G23-8 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0314-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TIM-1 (CD365) | 3D10 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0315-R010mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-15 | AIO.3 | IgG2a, λ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0316-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CCR3 (CD193) | 6S2-19-4 | IgG2b, λ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0317-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD38 | NIMR5 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0318-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human Ganglioside GD2 | 14G2a | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0319-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse FasL (CD178) | MFL3 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0320-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Ly6G/Ly6C | NIMP-R14 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0321-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse NKG2A/C/E | 20D5 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0322-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD172a (SIRPα) | P84 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0323-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TL1A (TNFSF15) | 5G4.6 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0324-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human/mouse denatured collagen type-I (RGD motif) | XL313 | IgG1, κ | |||
BE0325-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-West Nile/dengue virus E protein | E60 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0326-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-27 p28 | MM27.7B1 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0327-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human IL-9 | MH9A4 | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0328-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD28 | D665 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0329-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD71 (TfR1) | 8D3 | IgG2a | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0330-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD69 | CD69.2.2 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0331-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat/mouse CD71 (TfR1) | OX-26 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0332-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse FGL-1 | 177R4 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0333-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human/rat LRP1 (CD91) | 11H4 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0334-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse NKG2D (CD314) | CX5 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0335-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human MAGE-C2 (CT10) | LX-CT10.5 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0336-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human MUC1 (CD227) | C595 (NCRC48) | IgG3, κ | BE0093 | IP0070 | |
BE0337-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD96 | 3.3 | IgG1, λ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0338-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD220 (Insulin Receptor) | IR 83-22 | IgG1 | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0339-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse NKG2AB6 | 16A11 | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0340-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human/monkey MDR-1 (CD243) | UIC2 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0341-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human EphA2 | B2D6 | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0342-R001mg | InVivoMAb recombinant Flt-3L-Ig (hum/hum) | Flt-3L Fc-G1 | IP0070 | |||
BE0343-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD71 (TfR) | 5E9C11 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0344-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TIM-4 | F31-5G3 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0345-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/rat/bovine VLDL-R | IgG-6A6 | IgG1, λ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0346-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD326 (EpCAM) | G8.8 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0347-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CSF1R (CD115) | 2-4A5-4 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0348-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD27 | RM27-3E5 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0350-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human PrP (prion protein) | TW1 | IgG2a | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0351-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human NKG2D (CD314) | 1D11 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0352-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse E-Cadherin (CD324) | DECMA-1 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0353-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human/rat/monkey ICOS (CD278) | C398.4A | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0354-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD2 | CB.219 | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0355-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CA19-9 | 1116-NS-19-9 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0356-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD20 | MB20-11 | IgG2c, κ | BE0366 | IP0070 | |
BE0357-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-SARS-CoV-2 S protein (RBD epitope A) | SARS2-01 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0358-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-SARS-CoV-2 S protein (NTD) | SARS2-29 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0359-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-SARS-CoV-2 S protein (RBD epitope B) | SARS2-34 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0360-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD24 | M1/69 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0361-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse PD-L1 (B7-H1) | 10F.2H11 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0362-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CEACAM 1/3/5/6/8 | 6G5j | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0363-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CEACAM7 | P3-7B | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0364-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse BTLA (CD272) | HMBT-6B2 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0365-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD80 (B7-1) | RM80 | IgG2a | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0366-R001mg | InVivoMAb mouse IgG2c isotype control, anti-dengue virus | DV5-1 | IgG2c, κ | IP0070 | ||
BE0367-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD71 (TfR1) | B3/25 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0368-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human/mouse/rat amyloid-beta | MOAB-2 | IgG2b, λ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0369-R001mg | InVivoMAb polyclonal llama IgG | polyclonal llama IgG | IgG | |||
BE0370-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD71 (TfR1) | T56/14 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0371-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-12 p35 | C18.2 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0372-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human osteopontin (SPP1) | 100D3 | IgG2c, κ | BE0366 | IP0070 | |
BE0373-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse osteopontin (SPP1) | 103D6 | IgG2c, κ | BE0366 | IP0070 | |
BE0374-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse FAP | 73.3 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0375-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human EGFR | 425 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0376-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD71 (TfR1) | 2C1 | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0377-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD31 (PECAM-1) | 390 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0378-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD16.2 (FcγRIV) | 9E9 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0379-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TSLP | 28F12 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0380-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human c-Kit (CD117) | SR-1 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0381-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human GM-CSF | BVD2-21C11 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0382-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human/rat osteopontin (SPP1) | MPIIIB10 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0383-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human/rat PD-L1 | 368A.4H1 | Mouse IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0384-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human GM-CSF | BVD2-23B6 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0385-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse DKK3 | DKK3-4.22 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0386-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD326 (EpCAM) | Ber-EP4 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0387-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human phosphorylated PD-1 (CD279) | 407.6G12 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0388-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD71 (TfR1) | BK19.9 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0389-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-canine CD34 | 1H6 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0390-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-canine PD-L1 (B7-H1) | JC071 | Mouse IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0391-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human MUC16 | VK8 | Mouse IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0392-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse myeloperoxidase (MPO) | 6G4 | IgG2c, κ | BE0366 | IP0070 | |
BE0393-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse myeloperoxidase (MPO) | 6D1 | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0394-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse IL-25 | 2C3 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0395-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse/human Mac-2 (Galectin-3) | M3/38 (TIB-166) | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0396-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human/mouse GRP78 | C38 | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0397-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human/mouse GRP78 | C107 | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0398-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD83 | Michel-17 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
BE0399-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse VEGF-A | 2G11-2A05 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0400-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse RGMb | 307.9D1 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IPT060 | |
BE0401-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CEACAM5 | 4H11-8 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0402-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human GPC-2 | CT3 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0403-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD96 | 6A6/CD96 | IgG2a, λ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0404-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human GPC3 | YP7 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0405-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human mesothelin | YP218 | IgG | BE0095 | IP0070 | |
BE0406-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human CD2 | LO-CD2a | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0407-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human Fy3 | MIMA-29 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0408-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human TROP-2 | Pr1E11 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0409-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human BRCA1 | BR64 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0410-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human EphA2 | SHM16 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0411-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human GC1q R (C1QBP) | 60.11 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0412-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human pan-Glypican | HS20 | IgG1, κ | CP174 | IP0070 | |
BE0413-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat TCR α/β | R73 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0414-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat TCR γ/δ | V65 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0415-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat CD8α | OX-8 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0416-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human/mouse GRP78 | N88 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0417-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat CD2 | OX-34 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0418-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat CD28 | JJ316 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0419-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat IL-4 | OX-81 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0420-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD205 (DEC-205) | NLDC-145 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0421-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-chikungunya virus E2 | CHK-265 | IgG2c, λ | BE0366 | IP0070 | |
BE0422-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD86 (B7-2) | 2D10 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0423-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse VISTA | 8G8 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0424-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat CTLA-4 (CD152) | WKH203 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0425-R001mg | InVivoMAb rat IgG2b isotype control, anti-trinitrophenol-keyhole limpet hemocyanin | TNP-4G1 | IgG2b, κ | IP0070 | ||
BE0426-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse Dendritic Cell Marker (33D1) | 33D1 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0427-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-West Nile virus NS1 | 10NS1 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0428-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD11b | 5C6 | IgG2b, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0429-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-WNV E protein DIII-LR | E16 | IgG2b, κ | BE0086 | IP0070 | |
BE0430-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-WNV E protein DI-DII | E53 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
BE0431-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-Zika virus E protein DIII-LR | ZV-67 | IgG2c, κ | BE0366 | IP0070 | |
BE0432-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-Dengue virus type 2 E protein DIII | DV2-96 | IgG2c, κ | IPT060 | ||
BE0433-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-Eastern equine encephalitis virus E2 protein | EEEV-3 | IgG2c, κ | BE0366 | IP0070 | |
BE0434-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-Powassan virus E protein | POWV-63 | IgG2c, κ | IP0070 | ||
BE0435-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus E2 protein | VEEV-57 | IgG2c, κ | BE0366 | IPT060 | |
BE0436-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human VISTA | GG8 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0437-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-Dengue virus type 4 E protein DIII | DV4-E88 | IgG2c, κ | BE0093 | IP0070 | |
BE0438-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-SARS-CoV-2 S protein (RBD) | SARS2-38 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0439-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat CD4 | W3/25 | IgG1, κ | BE0090 | IP0070 | |
BE0440-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CXCL10 (IP-10) | 1F11 | IgG | BE0091 | IP0070 | |
BE0441-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human IL-10 | JES3-19F1 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0442-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat CD86 (B7-2) | OX-48 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0443-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse PDGFRα (CD140a) | APA5 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0444-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human/mouse/rat/canine/swine PSMA | 3F11 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0445-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CD44 | KM703 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0446-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat CD47 | OX-101 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0447-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse TREM-2 | 178 | IgG2a, κ | BE0089 | IP0070 | |
BE0448-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat CD90/mouse CD90.1 (Thy1.1) | OX-7 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0449-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CCL5 (RANTES) | R6G9 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 | |
BE0450-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse CXCL16 (SR-PSOX) | 12-81 | IgG1, κ | BE0088 | IP0070 | |
New (2/7/2025) | BE0451-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-mouse MHC Class I (H-2Db) | 28-14-8S | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 |
New (1/24/2025) | BE0452-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-human pan MHC Class II (HLA II) | IVA12 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 |
New (1/24/2025) | BE0453-R001mg | InVivoMAb anti-rat CD25 (IL-2Rα) | OX-39 | IgG1, κ | BE0083 | IP0070 |
BP0001-1-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CD3ε | 145-2C11 | IgG1 | BP0091 | IP0070 | |
BP0003-1-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CD4 | GK1.5 | IgG2b, κ | BP0090 | IP0065 | |
BP0003-3-R100mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CD4 | YTS 177 | IgG2a | BP0089 | IP0070 | |
BP0004-1-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CD8α | 53-6.7 | IgG2a, κ | BP0089 | IP0065 | |
BP0012-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CD25 (IL-2Rα) | PC-61.5.3 | IgG1, λ | BP0088 | IP0070 | |
BP0016-2-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CD40 | FGK4.5/FGK45 | IgG2a | BP0089 | IP0070 | |
BP0017-1-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CD40L (CD154) | MR-1 | IgG | BP0091 | IP0070 | |
BP0031-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse OX40 (CD134) | OX-86 | IgG1, κ | BP0088 | IP0070 | |
BP0032-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152) | UC10-4F10-11 | IgG | BP0091 | IP0065 | |
BP0033-2-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) | J43 | IgG | BP0091 | IP0065 | |
BP0036-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse NK1.1 | PK136 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
BP0045-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse IL-4 | 11B11 | IgG1, κ | BP0088 | IP0070 | |
BP0050-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse IL-10R (CD210) | 1B1.3A | IgG1, κ | BP0088 | IPT065 | |
BP0051-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse IL-12 p40 | C17.8 | IgG2a, κ | BP0089 | IP0070 | |
BP0055-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse IFNγ | XMG1.2 | IgG1, κ | BP0088 | IPT080 | |
BP0057-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse/human/rat/monkey/hamster/canine/bovine TGF-β | 1D11.16.8 | IgG1, κ | BP0083 | IP0070 | |
BP0058-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse TNFα | XT3.11 | IgG1 | BP0088 | IP0080 | |
BP0060-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse VEGFR-2 | DC101 | IgG1, κ | BP0088 | IP0070 | |
BP0061-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CD8α | 2.43 | IgG2b, κ | BP0090 | IP0070 | |
BP0063-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse GITR | DTA-1 | IgG2b, λ | BP0090 | IP0070 | |
BP0066-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse Thy1.2 (CD90.2) | 30H12 | IgG2b, κ | BP0090 | IP0070 | |
BP0075-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse Ly6G/Ly6C (Gr-1) | RB6-8C5 | IgG2b, κ | BP0090 | IP0070 | |
BP0075-1-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse Ly6G | 1A8 | IgG2a, κ | BP0089 | IP0070 | |
BP0079-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-human MHC Class I (HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C) | W6/32 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0065 | |
BP0083-R005mg | InVivoPlus mouse IgG1 isotype control, unknown specificity | MOPC-21 | IgG1, κ | IP0065 | ||
BP0085-R005mg | InVivoPlus mouse IgG2a isotype control, unknown specificity | C1.18.4 | IgG2a, κ | IP0070 | ||
BP0086-R005mg | InVivoPlus mouse IgG2b isotype control, unknown specificity | MPC-11 | IgG2b, κ | IP0070 | ||
BP0087-R005mg | InVivoPlus polyclonal Syrian hamster IgG | polyclonal Syrian hamster IgG | IgG | IP0070 | ||
BP0088-R005mg | InVivoPlus rat IgG1 isotype control, anti-horseradish peroxidase | HRPN-CP167 | IgG1, κ | IP0070 | ||
BP0089-R005mg | InVivoPlus rat IgG2a isotype control, anti-trinitrophenol | 2A3 | IgG2a, κ | IP0065 | ||
BP0090-R005mg | InVivoPlus rat IgG2b isotype control, anti-keyhole limpet hemocyanin | LTF-2-CP166 | IgG2b, κ | IP0070 | ||
BP0091-R005mg | InVivoPlus polyclonal Armenian hamster IgG | polyclonal Armenian hamster IgG | IgG | IP0070 | ||
BP0099-R005mg | InVivoPlus recombinant CTLA-4-Ig (hum/hum) | CTLA-4-Ig (hum/hum) | IP0070 | |||
BP0101-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse PD-L1 (B7-H1) | 10F.9G2™ | IgG2b, κ | BP0090 | IP0065 | |
BP0115-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse TIM-3 (CD366) | RMT3-23 | IgG2a, κ | BP0089 | IP0070 | |
BP0117-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CD8α | YTS 169.4 | IgG2b, κ | BP0090 | IP0070 | |
BP0131-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152) | 9H10 | IgG | BP0087 | IP0070 | |
BP0146-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) | RMP1-14 | IgG2a, κ | BP0089 | IP0070 | |
BP0164-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152) | 9D9 | IgG2b | BP0086 | IP0070 | |
BP0169-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse 4-1BB (CD137) | LOB12.3 | IgG1, κ | BP0088 | IP0080 | |
BP0173-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse/rat IL-17A | 17F3 | IgG1, κ | BP0083 | IP0070 | |
BP0174-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse LAG-3 | C9B7W | IgG1, κ | BP0088 | IP0070 | |
BP0175-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CD71 (TfR1) | R17 217.1.3/TIB-219 | IgG2a, κ | BP0089 | IP0070 | |
BP0213-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CSF1R (CD115) | AFS98 | IgG2a, κ | BP0089 | IP0070 | |
BP0239-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse 4-1BB (CD137) | 3H3 | IgG2a | BP0089 | IP0070 | |
BP0241-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse IFNAR-1 | MAR1-5A3 | IgG1, κ | BP0083 | IP0070 | |
BP0273-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) | 29F.1A12™ | IgG2a | BP0089 | IP0070 | |
BP0274-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse TIGIT | 1G9 | IgG1, κ | BP0083 | IP0070 | |
BP0283-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse/human/rat CD47 (IAP) | MIAP410 | IgG1, κ | BP0083 | IP0070 | |
BP0290-R005mg | InVivoPlus rat IgG1 isotype control, anti-trinitrophenol | TNP6A7 | IgG1, λ | IP0070 | ||
BP0297-R005mg | InVivoPlus human IgG1 isotype control | human IgG1 | IgG1, κ | IP0070 | ||
BP0301-R005mg | InVivoPlus human IgG2 isotype control | human IgG2 | IgG2, λ | IP0070 | ||
BP0307-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CD16/CD32 | 2.4G2 | IgG2b, κ | BP0090 | IP0080 | |
BP0308-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-rat CD4 | OX-38 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
BP0310-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse VISTA | 13F3 | IgG | BP0091 | IP0070 | |
BP0329-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CD71 (TfR1) | 8D3 | IgG2a | BP0089 | IP0070 | |
BP0356-R005mg | InVivoPlus anti-mouse CD20 | MB20-11 | IgG2c, κ | BP0366 | IP0070 | |
BP0366-R005mg | InVivoPlus mouse IgG2c isotype control, anti-dengue virus | DV5-1 | IgG2c, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP001-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse PD-L1 (B7-H1) (D265A) | 10F.9G2™-CP001 | IgG1, κ | CP047 | IP0070 | |
CP002-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) (D265A) | RMP1-14-CP002 | IgG1, κ | CP047 | IP0070 | |
CP005-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) (D265A) | 29F.1A12™-CP005 | IgG1, κ | CP047 | IP0070 | |
CP006-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152) | 9D9-CP006 | IgG1, κ | BP0083 | IP0070 | |
CP007-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152) | 9D9-CP007 | IgG2a, κ | BE0085 | IP0070 | |
CP008-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152) (LALA-PG) | 9D9-CP008 | IgG2a, κ | CP048 | IP0070 | |
CP013-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse LAG-3 (D265A) | C9B7W-CP013 | IgG1, κ | CP047 | IP0070 | |
CP014-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse LAG-3 | C9B7W-CP014 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP017-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse OX40 (CD134) | OX86-CP017 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP018-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse OX40 (CD134) (LALA-PG) | OX86-CP018 | IgG2a, κ | CP048 | IP0070 | |
CP025-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CD16/CD32 | 2.4G2-CP025 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP026-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CD16/CD32 (LALA-PG) | 2.4G2-CP026 | IgG2a, κ | CP048 | IP0070 | |
CP027-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse GITR (D265A) | DTA-1-CP027 | IgG1, κ | CP047 | IP0070 | |
CP028-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse GITR | DTA-1-CP028 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP029-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse GITR (LALA-PG) | DTA-1-CP029 | IgG2a, κ | CP048 | IP0070 | |
CP031-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse GITR (LALA-PG) | DTA-1-CP031 | IgG2b, κ | CP049 | IP0070 | |
CP032-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CD40L (CD154) (D265A) | MR-1-CP032 | IgG1, κ | CP047 | IP0070 | |
CP033-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CD40L (CD154) | MR-1-CP033 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP034-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CD40L (CD154) (LALA-PG) | MR-1-CP034 | IgG2a, κ | CP048 | IP0070 | |
CP038-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse 4-1BB (CD137) (LALA-PG) | LOB12.3-CP038 | IgG2a, κ | CP048 | IP0070 | |
CP039-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse 4-1BBL (CD137L) (D265A) | TKS-1-CP039 | IgG1, κ | CP047 | IP0070 | |
CP040-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse 4-1BBL (CD137L) | TKS-1-CP040 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP041-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse 4-1BBL (CD137L) (LALA-PG) | TKS-1-CP041 | IgG2a, κ | CP048 | IP0070 | |
CP042-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CD28 | D665-CP042 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP043-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CD28 (LALA-PG) | D665-CP043 | IgG2a, κ | CP048 | IP0070 | |
CP044-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse ICOSL (CD275) (D265A) | HK5.3-CP044 | IgG1, κ | CP047 | IP0070 | |
CP045-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse ICOSL (CD275) | HK5.3-CP045 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP046-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse ICOSL (CD275) (LALA-PG) | HK5.3-CP046 | IgG2a, κ | CP048 | IP0070 | |
CP047-R001mg | RecombiMAb mouse IgG1 (D265A) isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP047 | IgG1, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP048-R001mg | RecombiMAb mouse IgG2a (LALA-PG) isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP048 | IgG2a, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP049-R001mg | RecombiMAb mouse IgG2b (LALA-PG) isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP049 | IgG2b, κ | CP048 | IP0070 | |
New (1/31/2025) | CP051-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse/human CD11b | M1/70-CP051 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 |
New (1/31/2025) | CP052-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CD38 | NIMR5-CP052 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 |
New (2/3/2025) | CP054-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse TNFα | XT3.11-CP054 | IgG1, κ | BP0083 | IP0070 |
CP127-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CD4 | GK1.5-CP127 | IgG2b, κ | BP0086 | IP0065 | |
CP128-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CD8α | 2.43-CP128 | IgG2b, κ | BP0086 | IP0070 | |
CP129-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse Ly6G | 1A8-CP129 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP130-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CD71 (TfR1) | R17 217.1.3-CP130 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP131-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CSF1R (CD115) | AFS98-CP131 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP132-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse VEGFR-2 | DC101-CP132 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP133-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CD40 | FGK4.5-CP133 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP134-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CD8α | YTS 169.4-CP134 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP135-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse Ly6G/Ly6C (Gr-1) | RB6-8C5-CP135 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP146-R005mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse CTLA-4 (CD152) | 9H10-CP146 | IgG1, κ | BP0083 | IP0070 | |
CP147-R100mg | RecombiMAb human IgG4 (S228P) isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP147 | IgG4, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP148-R001mg | RecombiMAb human IgG4 S228P L235E P329G (SPLEPG) isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP148 | IgG4 | IP0070 | ||
CP149-R001mg | RecombiMAb human IgG1 (LALA-PG) isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP149 | IgG1 | IP0070 | ||
CP150-R001mg | RecombiMAb mouse IgG2a (D265A) isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP150 | IgG2a | IP0070 | ||
CP151-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) (D265A) | RMP1-14-CP151 | IgG2a, κ | CP150 | IP0070 | |
CP152-R001mg | RecombiMAb human IgG4 (S228P) isotype control, anti-respiratory syncytial virus | Palivizumab-CP152 | IgG4, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP153-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) (LALA-PG) | RMP1-14-CP153 | IgG2a, κ | CP048 | IP0070 | |
CP154-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse PD-L1 (B7-H1) (LALA-PG) | 10F.9G2™-CP154 | IgG2a, κ | CP048 | IP0070 | |
CP155-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) (LALA-PG) | 29F.1A12™-CP155 | IgG2a, κ | CP156 | IP0070 | |
CP156-R001mg | RecombiMAb mouse IgG2a (LALA-PG) isotype control, unknown specificity | MOPC-21-CP156 | IgG2a, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP157-R005mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) | RMP1-14-CP157 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP158-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse PD-L1 (B7-H1) | 10F.9G2™-CP158 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP159-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) | 29F.1A12™-CP159 | IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
CP160-R001mg | RecombiMAb mouse IgG2a isotype control, unknown specificity | MOPC-21-CP160 | IgG2a, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP161-R001mg | RecombiMAb human IgG1 (LALA-PG) isotype control, anti-respiratory syncytial virus | Palivizumab-CP161 | IgG1 | IP0070 | ||
CP162-R005mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) | RMP1-14-CP162 | IgG1, κ | BP0083 | IP0070 | |
CP168-R005mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse PD-L1 (B7-H1) | 10F.9G2™-CP168 | IgG1, κ | BP0083 | IP0070 | |
CP169-R001mg | RecombiMAb human IgG1 isotype control, anti-respiratory syncytial virus | Palivizumab-CP169 | IgG1, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP171-R001mg | RecombiMAb human IgG1 (N297A) isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP171 | IgG1, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP172-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse Ly6G/Ly6C (Gr-1) | RB6-8C5-CP172 | IgG2b, κ | BP0086 | IP0070 | |
CP173-R001mg | RecombiMAb human IgG1 (D265A) isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP173 | IgG1 | IP0070 | ||
CP174-R001mg | RecombiMAb human IgG1 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP174 | IgG1, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP175-R001mg | RecombiMAb human IgG1 (K214R/L234F/L235E/P331S) isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP175 | IgG1, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP178-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) | 29F.1A12™-CP178 | IgG1, κ | BP0083 | IP0070 | |
CP179-R001mg | RecombiMAb HIS human IgG1 F(ab) isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP179 | IgG1, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP180-R001mg | RecombiMAb human IgG2 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP180 | IgG2, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP181-R001mg | RecombiMAb human IgG4 (S228P) isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP181 | IgG4, λ | IP0070 | ||
CP182-R001mg | RecombiMAb anti-mouse PD-1 (CD279) | RMP1-14-CP182 | IgG2a, κ | BP0089 | IP0070 | |
CP183-R001mg | RecombiMAb human IgG4 (S228P/R409K) isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP183 | IgG4, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP186-R001mg | RecombiMAb Armenian hamster IgG1 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP186 | Armenian Hamster IgG1 | IP0070 | ||
CP188-R001mg | RecombiMAb rat IgG2a isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP188 | Rat IgG2a, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP189-R001mg | RecombiMAb mouse IgG1 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP189 | Mouse IgG1, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP190-R001mg | RecombiMAb mouse IgG2a isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP190 | Mouse IgG2a, κ | IP0070 | ||
CP191-R001mg | RecombiMAb mouse IgG2b isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP191 | Mouse IgG2b, κ | IP0070 | ||
New (1/18/2025) | FM0001-1-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CD3ε | 145-2C11 | IgG1 | IP0070 | |
New (1/18/2025) | FM0001-1-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CD3ε | 145-2C11 | IgG1 | IP0070 | |
New (1/18/2025) | FM0001-1-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CD3ε | 145-2C11 | IgG1 | IP0070 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0001-2-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-human CD3 | OKT-3 | IgG2a, κ | FM0085-APC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0001-2-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-human CD3 | OKT-3 | IgG2a, κ | FM0085-FITC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0001-2-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-human CD3 | OKT-3 | IgG2a, κ | FM0085-PE | IP0070 |
New (1/18/2025) | FM0003-1-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CD4 | GK1.5 | IgG2b, κ | IP0065 | |
New (1/18/2025) | FM0003-1-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CD4 | GK1.5 | IgG2b, κ | IP0065 | |
New (1/18/2025) | FM0003-1-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CD4 | GK1.5 | IgG2b, κ | IP0065 | |
New (1/28/2025) | FM0004-1-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CD8α | 53-6.7 | IgG2a, κ | FM0089-APC | IP0065 |
New (1/28/2025) | FM0004-1-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CD8α | 53-6.7 | IgG2a, κ | FM0089-FITC | IP0065 |
New (1/28/2025) | FM0004-1-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CD8α | 53-6.7 | IgG2a, κ | FM0089-PE | IP0065 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0007-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse/human CD11b | M1/70 | IgG2b, κ | IP0070 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0007-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse/human CD11b | M1/70 | IgG2b, κ | IP0070 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0007-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse/human CD11b | M1/70 | IgG2b, κ | IP0070 | |
New (1/28/2025) | FM0021-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse L-Selectin (CD62L) | Mel-14 | IgG2a, κ | FM0089-APC | IP0070 |
New (1/28/2025) | FM0021-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse L-Selectin (CD62L) | Mel-14 | IgG2a, κ | FM0089-FITC | IP0070 |
New (1/28/2025) | FM0021-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse L-Selectin (CD62L) | Mel-14 | IgG2a, κ | FM0089-PE | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0024-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CD80 (B7-1) | 16-10A1 | IgG2 | IP0080 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0024-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CD80 (B7-1) | 16-10A1 | IgG2 | IP0080 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0024-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CD80 (B7-1) | 16-10A1 | IgG2 | IP0080 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0025-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CD86 (B7-2) | GL-1 | IgG2a, κ | FM0089-APC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0025-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CD86 (B7-2) | GL-1 | IgG2a, κ | FM0089-FITC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0025-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CD86 (B7-2) | GL-1 | IgG2a, κ | FM0089-PE | IP0070 |
New (1/22/2025) | FM0036-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse NK1.1 | PK136 | IgG2a, κ | FM0085-APC | IP0070 |
New (1/22/2025) | FM0036-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse NK1.1 | PK136 | IgG2a, κ | FM0085-FITC | IP0070 |
New (1/22/2025) | FM0036-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse NK1.1 | PK136 | IgG2a, κ | FM0085-PE | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0038-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CD11c | N418 | IgG2 | IP0070 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0038-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CD11c | N418 | IgG2 | IP0070 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0038-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CD11c | N418 | IgG2 | IP0070 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0039-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse/human CD44 | IM7 | IgG2b, κ | FMC0090-APC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0039-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse/human CD44 | IM7 | IgG2b, κ | FMC0090-FITC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0039-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse/human CD44 | IM7 | IgG2b, κ | FMC0090-PE | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0075-1-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse Ly6G | 1A8 | IgG2a, κ | FM0089-APC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0075-1-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse Ly6G | 1A8 | IgG2a, κ | FM0089-FITC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0075-1-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse Ly6G | 1A8 | IgG2a, κ | FM0089-PE | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0075-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse Ly6G/Ly6C (Gr-1) | RB6-8C5 | IgG2b, κ | FMC0090-APC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0075-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse Ly6G/Ly6C (Gr-1) | RB6-8C5 | IgG2b, κ | FMC0090-FITC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0075-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse Ly6G/Ly6C (Gr-1) | RB6-8C5 | IgG2b, κ | FMC0090-PE | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0083-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC mouse IgG1 isotype control, unknown specificity | MOPC-21 | IgG1, κ | IP0065 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0083-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC mouse IgG1 isotype control, unknown specificity | MOPC-21 | IgG1, κ | IP0065 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0083-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE mouse IgG1 isotype control, unknown specificity | MOPC-21 | IgG1, κ | IP0065 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0085-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC mouse IgG2a isotype control, unknown specificity | C1.18.4 | IgG2a, κ | IP0070 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0085-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC mouse IgG2a isotype control, unknown specificity | C1.18.4 | IgG2a, κ | IP0070 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0085-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE mouse IgG2a isotype control, unknown specificity | C1.18.4 | IgG2a, κ | IP0070 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0089-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC rat IgG2a isotype control, anti-trinitrophenol | 2A3 | IgG2a, κ | IP0065 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0089-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC rat IgG2a isotype control, anti-trinitrophenol | 2A3 | IgG2a, κ | IP0065 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0089-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE rat IgG2a isotype control, anti-trinitrophenol | 2A3 | IgG2a, κ | IP0065 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0101-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse PD-L1 (B7-H1) | 10F.9G2™ | IgG2b, κ | FMC0090-APC | IP0065 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0101-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse PD-L1 (B7-H1) | 10F.9G2™ | IgG2b, κ | FMC0090-FITC | IP0065 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0101-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse PD-L1 (B7-H1) | 10F.9G2™ | IgG2b, κ | FMC0090-PE | IP0065 |
New (1/18/2025) | FM0150-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CD19 | 1D3 | IgG2a, κ | FM0089-APC | IP0070 |
New (1/18/2025) | FM0150-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CD19 | 1D3 | IgG2a, κ | FM0089-FITC | IP0070 |
New (1/18/2025) | FM0150-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CD19 | 1D3 | IgG2a, κ | FM0089-PE | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0203-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse Ly6C | Monts 1 | IgG2a | FM0089-APC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0203-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse Ly6C | Monts 1 | IgG2a | FM0089-FITC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0203-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse Ly6C | Monts 1 | IgG2a | FM0089-PE | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0206-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse F4/80 | CI:A3-1 | IgG2b, κ | FMC0090-APC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0206-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse F4/80 | CI:A3-1 | IgG2b, κ | FMC0090-FITC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0206-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse F4/80 | CI:A3-1 | IgG2b, κ | FMC0090-PE | IP0070 |
New (1/18/2025) | FM0249-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse CXCR3 (CD183) | CXCR3-173 | IgG | IP0070 | |
New (1/18/2025) | FM0249-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse CXCR3 (CD183) | CXCR3-173 | IgG | IP0070 | |
New (1/18/2025) | FM0249-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse CXCR3 (CD183) | CXCR3-173 | IgG | IP0070 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0260-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC Armenian hamster IgG isotype control, anti-glutathione S-transferase | PIP | IgG | IP0070 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0260-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC Armenian hamster IgG isotype control, anti-glutathione S-transferase | PIP | IgG | IP0070 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0260-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE Armenian hamster IgG isotype control, anti-glutathione S-transferase | PIP | IgG | IP0070 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0280-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-mouse c-Kit (CD117) | 2B8 | IgG2b, κ | FMC0090-APC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0280-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-mouse c-Kit (CD117) | 2B8 | IgG2b, κ | FMC0090-FITC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0280-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-mouse c-Kit (CD117) | 2B8 | IgG2b, κ | FMC0090-PE | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0281-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-human CD19 | 4G7 | IgG1 | FM0083-APC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0281-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-human CD19 | 4G7 | IgG1 | FM0083-FITC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0281-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-human CD19 | 4G7 | IgG1 | FM0083-PE | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0288-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-human CD4 | RPA-T4 | IgG1, κ | FM0083-APC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0288-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-human CD4 | RPA-T4 | IgG1, κ | FM0083-FITC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0288-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-human CD4 | RPA-T4 | IgG1, κ | FM0083-PE | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0291-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-human/monkey CD28 | CD28.2 | IgG1, κ | FM0083-APC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0291-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-human/monkey CD28 | CD28.2 | IgG1, κ | FM0083-FITC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0291-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-human/monkey CD28 | CD28.2 | IgG1, κ | FM0083-PE | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0306-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC anti-human/monkey MHC class II (HLA-DR) | L243 | IgG2a, κ | FM0085-APC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0306-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC anti-human/monkey MHC class II (HLA-DR) | L243 | IgG2a, κ | FM0085-FITC | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FM0306-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE anti-human/monkey MHC class II (HLA-DR) | L243 | IgG2a, κ | FM0085-PE | IP0070 |
New (1/17/2025) | FMC0090-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC rat IgG2b isotype control, anti-keyhole limpet hemocyanin | LTF-2-CP166 | IgG2b, κ | IP0070 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FMC0090-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC rat IgG2b isotype control, anti-keyhole limpet hemocyanin | LTF-2-CP166 | IgG2b, κ | IP0070 | |
New (1/17/2025) | FMC0090-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE rat IgG2b isotype control, anti-keyhole limpet hemocyanin | LTF-2-CP166 | IgG2b, κ | IP0070 | |
New (1/22/2025) | FMC174-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC human IgG1 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP174 | IgG1, κ | IP0070 | |
New (1/22/2025) | FMC174-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC human IgG1 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP174 | IgG1, κ | IP0070 | |
New (1/22/2025) | FMC174-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE human IgG1 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP174 | IgG1, κ | IP0070 | |
New (1/18/2025) | FMC180-APC-025mcg | FlowMAb APC human IgG2 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP180 | IgG2, κ | IP0070 | |
New (1/18/2025) | FMC180-FITC-025mcg | FlowMAb FITC human IgG2 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP180 | IgG2, κ | IP0070 | |
New (1/18/2025) | FMC180-PE-025mcg | FlowMAb PE human IgG2 isotype control, anti-hen egg lysozyme | N/A-CP180 | IgG2, κ | IP0070 | |
IP0065-R050ml | InVivoPure pH 6.5 Dilution Buffer | |||||
IP0070-R050ml | InVivoPure pH 7.0 Dilution Buffer | |||||
IP0080-R050ml | InVivoPure pH 8.0 Dilution Buffer | |||||
IPT060-R050ml | InVivoPure pH 6.0T Dilution Buffer | |||||
IPT065-R050ml | InVivoPure pH 6.5T Dilution Buffer | |||||
IPT080-R050ml | InVivoPure pH 8.0T Dilution Buffer | |||||
RT0263-R001mg | ReadyTag anti-c-myc | 9E10 | IgG1 | IP0070 | ||
RT0264-R001mg | ReadyTag anti-GST | F50-3D12.2 | IgG1 | IP0070 | ||
RT0265-R001mg | ReadyTag anti-GFP | F56-6A1.2.3 | IgG2b | IP0070 | ||
RT0266-R001mg | ReadyTag anti-6-His | 6-His | IgG1 | IP0070 | ||
RT0267-R001mg | ReadyTag anti-OVA | F2-3.58 | IgG1 | IP0070 | ||
RT0268-R001mg | ReadyTag anti-HA | 12CA5 | IgG2b | IP0070 | ||
RT0269-R001mg | ReadyTag anti-DDDDK | AP1501 | IgG2b | IP0070 | ||
SIM0001-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human TNFα (Adalimumab Biosimilar) | Adalimumab | IgG1 | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0002-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human EGFR (Cetuximab Biosimilar) | Cetuximab | IgG1 | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0003-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human PD-1 (Nivolumab Biosimilar) | Nivolumab | IgG4 | CP147 | IP0070 | |
SIM0004-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human CTLA-4 (Ipilimumab Biosimilar) | Ipilimumab | IgG1 | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0005-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human HER2 (Trastuzumab Biosimilar) | Trastuzumab | IgG1 | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0006-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human TNFα (Infliximab Biosimilar) | Infliximab | IgG1 | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0007-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human VEGF (Bevacizumab Biosimilar) | Bevacizumab | IgG1 | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0008-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human CD20 (Rituximab Biosimilar) | Rituximab | IgG1 | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0009-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human PD-L1 (Atezolizumab Biosimilar) | Atezolizumab | IgG1 | CP171 | IP0070 | |
SIM0010-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human PD-1 (Pembrolizumab Biosimilar) | Pembrolizumab | IgG4 | CP147 | IP0070 | |
SIM0011-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human C5 (Eculizumab Biosimilar) | Eculizumab | IgG4 | CP147 | IP0070 | |
SIM0012-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human VEGFR-2 (Ramucirumab Biosimilar) | Ramucirumab | IgG1 | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0013-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human IL-17A (Secukinumab Biosimilar) | Secukinumab | IgG1 | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0014-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human IL-6R (Tocilizumab Biosimilar) | Tocilizumab | IgG1 | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0015-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human LAG-3 (Relatlimab Biosimilar) | Relatlimab | IgG4, κ | CP147 | IP0070 | |
SIM0016-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human IgE (Omalizumab Biosimilar) | Omalizumab | IgG1, κ | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0017-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human NGF (Tanezumab Biosimilar) | Tanezumab | IgG2, κ | BP0301 | IP0070 | |
SIM0018-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human integrin α4β1 (VLA-4) | Natalizumab | Human IgG4, κ | BE0092 | IP0070 | |
SIM0019-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human HER2 (Pertuzumab Biosimilar) | Pertuzumab | Human IgG1, κ | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0020-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human IL-12 p40 (Ustekinumab Biosimilar) | Ustekinumab | IgG1, κ | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0021-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human PD-L1 (Avelumab Biosimilar) | Avelumab | IgG1, λ | CP169 | IP0070 | |
SIM0022-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human IFNAR1 (Anifrolumab Biosimilar) | Anifrolumab | IgG1, κ | CP175 | IP0070 | |
SIM0023-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human IL-4Rα (CD124) (Dupilumab Biosimilar) | Dupilumab | IgG4, κ | CP147 | IP0070 | |
SIM0024-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human integrin α4β7 (LPAM-1) (Vedolizumab Biosimilar) | Vedolizumab | IgG1, κ | CP149 | IP0070 | |
SIM0025-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human IL-23 (p19) (Guselkumab Biosimilar) | Guselkumab | IgG1, λ | CP169 | IP0070 | |
SIM0026-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human Claudin 18.2 (Zolbetuximab Biosimilar) | Zolbetuximab | IgG1, κ | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0027-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human PD-L1 (Durvalumab Biosimilar) | Durvalumab | IgG1, κ | CP149 | IP0070 | |
SIM0028-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human RANKL (CD254) (Denosumab Biosimilar) | Denosumab | IgG1, κ | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0029-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human IL-17A (Ixekizumab Biosimilar) | Ixekizumab | IgG4, κ | CP147 | IP0070 | |
SIM0030-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human IL-6 (Siltuximab Biosimilar) | Siltuximab | IgG1, κ | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0031-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human nectin-4 (Enfortumab Biosimilar) | Enfortumab | IgG1, κ | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0032-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human amyloid-beta (Lecanemab Biosimilar) | Lecanemab | IgG1, κ | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0033-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human TIGIT (Tiragolumab Biosimilar) | Tiragolumab | IgG1, κ | BP0297 | IP0070 | |
SIM0034-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human CD38 (Daratumumab Biosimilar) | Daratumumab | IgG1, κ | CP175 | IP0070 | |
SIM0035-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human CD25 (IL-2Rα) (Daclizumab Biosimilar) | Daclizumab | IgG1, κ | CP173 | IP0070 | |
SIM0036-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human TSLP (Tezepelumab Biosimilar) | Tezepelumab | IgG2, λ | BP0301 | IP0070 | |
SIM0037-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human PD-1 (Cemiplimab Biosimilar) | Cemiplimab | IgG4, κ | CP147 | IP0070 | |
SIM0038-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human PD-1 (Tislelizumab Biosimilar) | Tislelizumab | IgG4, κ | CP183 | IP0070 | |
SIM0039-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human CEACAM5 (Labetuzumab Biosimilar) | Labetuzumab | Human IgG1, κ | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0040-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human mesothelin (Amatuximab Biosimilar) | Amatuximab | IgG1, κ | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0041-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human SLAMF7 (Elotuzumab Biosimilar) | Elotuzumab | IgG1, κ | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0042-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human IL-13 (Tralokinumab Biosimilar) | Tralokinumab | IgG4, λ | CP181 | IP0070 | |
SIM0043-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human TIM-3 (Sabatolimab Biosimilar) | Sabatolimab | IgG4, κ | CP147 | IP0070 | |
SIM0044-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human IL-1β (Canakinumab Biosimilar) | Canakinumab | IgG1, κ | CP175 | IP0070 | |
SIM0045-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human CD326 (EpCAM) (Edrecolomab Biosimilar) | Edrecolomab | Mouse IgG2a, κ | BP0085 | IP0070 | |
SIM0046-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human CTLA-4 (Tremelimumab Biosimilar) | Tremelimumab | IgG2, κ | IP0070 | ||
SIM0047-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human amyloid-beta (Solanezumab Biosimilar) | Solanezumab | Human IgG1, κ | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0048-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human amyloid beta (Donanemab Biosimilar) | Donanemab | Human IgG1, κ | CP174 | IP0070 | |
SIM0049-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human IL-1β (Gevokizumab Biosimilar) | Gevokizumab | Human IgG2, κ | CP180 | IP0070 | |
SIM0050-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human EGFR (Panitumumab Biosimilar) | Panitumumab | Human IgG2, κ | CP180 | IP0070 | |
SIM0051-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human TROP-2 (Sacituzumab Biosimilar) | Sacituzumab | Human IgG1, κ | CP175 | IP0070 | |
SIM0052-R001mg | InVivoSIM anti-human FGFR2b (CD332) (Bemarituzumab Biosimilar) | Bemarituzumab | Human IgG1, κ | CP175 | IP0070 | |
新製品 | 品番-最小容量 | 品名 | クローン | イソタイプ | 推奨コントロール品番 | 推奨バッファー品番 |